The Retinue Banner is in part home of all that formerly was known as "the city". In it's wards you will find vendors and craftsman, bankers, musicians, impostors, mercenaries, carneys, squallers, innkeepers, moneychangers, thieves and many more that will fill this place with life. Everything that a Large Host that goes to war needs. And everyone who is attracted by such a large host as well.
Further information: Retinue and Guilds
Registration to the Banner of Retinue & Guilds is strictly limited. |
Please use the Online Ward-manager (Viertelmanager) to choose the ward and specific group you want to camp in. You can also use it to either change your Banner or transfer tickets.
A merchant does not care on which market he sells his goods, which toll he pays and through which desert his caravan moves. He sells to everyone that holds enough gold to pay his prices. He has his very own business and pays no attention to the well-being of others - as long it does not make him money. He forges his own fate and everything he owns came through his own hands work.
If their is something like an eternal and unyielding rule of trade, it probably is: War is good for business! And the bigger the war...
A Large Host like this attracts merchants, craftsmen and less respectable businessmen as well like flies. Some might even be here because they believe in what the war is fought over. But they all are united in their pursuit of wealth and gold!
Attention: Registration to the Banner of Retinue & Guilds is strictly limited. We only allow players who are already part of the established institutions and guilds. Due to limited camping space we can not allow new concepts to grow like wildflowers.
But if you are convinced your concept idea is still missing please feel free to send us your ideas. A web-form is available on the German Website: Banner des Trosses |